The Birthday Boy.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Today my boy is 17 years old!

Let me say that again.  SEVENTEEN!

Where did all the time go?

Every year I say that we blinked and he grew up but it really is true.

He is almost a senior....almost an adult....making me an almost empty nester.

We will not be discussing his graduation or his upcoming move to Texas.

No we will not:(

We are making our way through all of the seasons of Survivor.  We are almost finished with season 4 and I am loving every minute of it.

We go to the gym together.

We laugh a lot.

We talk about politics every single day.

He has been the easiest child and teenager to raise.  We have been so lucky and so blessed to be given a son who has not been a minutes trouble.  I have enjoyed being his mom and in the next year, he will be spreading his wings and leaving the nest.

I will be thinking a lot about that this year and preparing myself in the process.

But until then, I remember my one little word.....present.

Present in the moment and remembering that he was the best present I have ever received.

Happy Birthday Caden!  I love you with all of my heart.


aka Mom