Late Christmas Post.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
While Caden was on Christmas break, we went down to my parents for a couple of days. I got to visit with my aunt's the night that we got there. We had a lot of food, laughter, and fellowship.
I wanted to share some photos with you of all the fun that was had by all.
All the aunts and my mom. The only photo taken with me and my aunts didn't turn out:(
My cousin was taking pictures while I was:)
The grandparents.
Caden is now as tall as my dad.
She forgets that he is almost 17;-)
I enjoyed getting to visit with my aunt's. Each one is very different and has brought something different to my life. They are getting older and I don't get to see them very much. Their ages range from 69 yrs. old to 87 yrs. old. I can't even believe that as I type it.
My mother and I went shopping one day and then had a pedicure the next day. We then celebrated Christmas on Tuesday before we headed back.
It was a nice visit.
How did y'all celebrate your Christmas?
(since none of the photos turned out, they all have PW's actions applied to them.)